Sunday, May 26, 2019

For my soap scents, I have chosen 2 tropical flower scents and 2 tropical fruit scents. The two tropical flower scents were not chosen by random they had a deeper meaning. They both relate to female qualities. Their meanings all have related to a woman. I chose to do these scents for my soaps because I have decided from the start that I wanted to my target group to be women and therefore these flower scents have not been picked by random they rather enhance my idea and design process.
Plumeria Flower

reference link: Plumeria Flower Meaning

I have highlighted the key meanings of the plumeria flower that states how the flower relates to a woman. When used in the description it says that "means she is available," here it is talking about when the flower is used. What I have taken out from this is that this statement was talking using the flower on a lady rather than on a man. Meaning that the flower is used for women. Another thing that I picked out from the Mexican Culture meaning of the flower. "Plumeria flower gave birth to the gods," usually giving birth relates to a female's characteristics. So this was something else that added more information that Plumeria Flower is for women. This idea dates back I believe until the ancient times that it became part of the Mexican Culture's meaning of the flower.

Hibiscus Flower

reference link: Hibiscus Flower Meaning

The hibiscus flower meaning from the website I have used clearly states that is feminine. The flower itself is feminine. The meaning of hibiscus is "perfect wife or woman." The website also mentioned that it is often symbolized as "young women" because they are as soft and full of beauty as a woman is described.

With all of this research about these two flowers, it encourages me to emphasise the fact that the product is for women through my designs. I will make sure that the flower details are able to be seen clearly in my designs and that they stand out through patterns.

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