Sunday, June 2, 2019

Paying Attention to packaging design sizes and information

I have decided to do further research and look at different soap packaging designs. I wanted to pay attention to their sizes of fonts and drawings and how they work together. I also wanted to see what information is kept onto the soap packages.

What I have noticed from figure 1 is that the design doesn’t have a lot going on. It has a simple design but is still attractive to look at. The name of the soap brand is larger in comparison to the name of the type of soap scent. What I have also noticed from the packaging design is that the brand's logo is also on the soap. It shows me consistency. 3 things that I have learnt from this figure is that the name of the soap brand and the scent of the soap and some type of information of the soap should be on the front side of the package. For example, the name of the soap brand is "Chilly b," the scent of the soap is "grapefruit and poppyseed," and the information about the soap is that it is 100 per cent natural.


From figure 2, I have noticed it has quite less information compared to figure one. From my viewpoint, I cannot even tell what the product is about. It does not even state that it is a soap, I think this is a poor representation of what packaging design should be like. The packaging design should be more informative about what the product is about. But what has grabbed my attention from the designs from figure 2 is that the drawings are larger enough to fill out the whole space, they aren't clustered designs, they are more spacious. This gives room to the wording of the packaging to be seen, although the wording of the packaging is also helped to be seen by the strip that is behind them in order to make them stand out even more.

Figure 3, shows my how the drawings a much larger than the name and the information of the soap. This time the scent of the soap is what stands out and the brand name or logo is smaller than the name of the scent. From my viewpoint, I think this is a good representation of how packaging should be like. There is information about the soap which is "350g 12 oz," there is the brand name/logo at the top of the rectangle and there is the soap scent name in the middle and it also gives information that the product is a soap by the phrase "Moisturising soap".
Reference link

The image above is of a screenshot I have taken from a website that was giving examples and information about how packaging designs should be and what stood out to me is that the fact it mentioned that designs should be clear about the product. So, therefore, my designs should be clear about the product by giving information about the product is and its scent, etc.

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