Wednesday, November 21, 2018


At first my bio page was called introduction then later on I changed it to be called bio, because introduction did not really make sense if I was going to explain who I am on that page. I also got the idea to create a bio page from my research on Karen Arnott's website ( I also decided to add a portrait photograph of myself, so that viewers would know who I am. I inserted the picture in the middle of the page and dragged the heading to the front.

Then I changed the button that said 'Work' to 'Bio', and it directs the viewers to my paragraph that explains who I am and what I am doing. 
I also changed the work button into the inspiration button, to make the viewer access the research page easier and that he/she could understand that the  research I have done is what inspired my compositions.
I also made the introduction page second on the list so that it would be the first thing the viewers would see before the would look at my works. I chose this arrangement, so that the viewers would first read what I do and what this web is for.

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