Monday, November 26, 2018

Improvement on my Website

Today I got some feedback from one of my  Digital Arts' tutor. Therefore, today worked on improving my website. I improved my Bio description, changed my bio picture and fixed some errors on my contact page.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


I made the title vertical to match the home page title, to keep consistency in a way. I also used the same motion of animation and time duration as the home page's first heading.
I mad the second heading horizontal to be the same as the homepage headings. I wrote in the second heading works and research be cause I decide to connect my research with my work because research is what helped me and gave me inspiration to create my works. Therefore I deleted my research page because I realised that these two things cannot be separated with the help of my tutor of course.

WEBSITE CREATION (portfolio page)

I edited the Portfolio title so that it would move as all my other titles on my websites to keep the consistency. I used the same Fly-in motion as most of my other word animations.
I also used the same duration time of the other animations that I did, which is 1.6 seconds.
Later on I went to the add button and went to gallery to choose what gallery form I wanted to represent. I chose the Thumbnail (Pro Gallery) to represent my portfolio. The reason to why chose this gallery form because I wanted my viewers to be able to see my pieces properly and just swipe through easily to see the next image.

 I also added the an extra gallery just incase if I had any extra photos.


At first my bio page was called introduction then later on I changed it to be called bio, because introduction did not really make sense if I was going to explain who I am on that page. I also got the idea to create a bio page from my research on Karen Arnott's website ( I also decided to add a portrait photograph of myself, so that viewers would know who I am. I inserted the picture in the middle of the page and dragged the heading to the front.

Then I changed the button that said 'Work' to 'Bio', and it directs the viewers to my paragraph that explains who I am and what I am doing. 
I also changed the work button into the inspiration button, to make the viewer access the research page easier and that he/she could understand that the  research I have done is what inspired my compositions.
I also made the introduction page second on the list so that it would be the first thing the viewers would see before the would look at my works. I chose this arrangement, so that the viewers would first read what I do and what this web is for.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

WEBSITE CREATION (homepage creation)

I decided to go with a  blue theme for my website, therefore I kept a dark blue geometric moving wallpaper and light blue text to contrast with the dark blue wallpaper. The reason why I went with the dark blue geometric wallpaper was to somehow portray graphic design and also because I like the colour. I decided to type in my text vertically to contrast the motion of the moving wallpaper that was going in a  horizontal motion.

I added a horizontal text explaining what the website is about. I decided to edit this text with another colour because I wanted it to stand out.

I also added an image that is an Anti- drug campaign poster that my team members and I made to add more to explain what this website is about.




Sunday, November 4, 2018


I looked at 2 different graphic designer's websites to learn from them how to present myself and my work on a website. One of the graphic designer's name is Karen Arnott and the other graphic designer is called Matt Hollands. After looking at both of their websites I got quite good idea how my website should turn out to be.


In Karen Arnott's home page she displayed a picture of herself and had a heading of who she is and a small information of what she does. I like the the white and black theme she was going for and the grey filter for her portrait. I think her style of her website's home page is very well thought through, because once a person opens her website it clearly explains what the website is about.
As I scrolled down her portfolio was attached to the homepage, although there was a separate page for her portfolio too. That did not make sense to me, perhaps she had nothing else to add to her homepage and did not want to leave it empty. However I liked the way she placed her work, it was very organised. For every type of design she placed them in a category and when you hovered your mouse over one of her images it would explain what the image is for.

Overall, I like the way Karen Arnott displayed her work and explained who she is on her website. It was simple and easy to navigate where all the things were.

Matt Hollands

In Matt Hollands website, he did not have a homepage he just started with his portfolio and I think that is not right because usually a professional website would have one. The fact that he put his logo on the website makes it seem somehow professional, and it also makes me make one of my own and add it to my website. Also, I like how the background  matches with his poster, makes the viewer understand what he is trying to represent.

When I pressed on the three dashes/menu bar, I did not like the way it cover the whole screen.
I felt as though he could have represented it by covering a quarter of the website, it seemed not well thought out.


As I looked at both of these websites I found Karen Arnott's website more organised and well detailed and easy to understand. When I looked at Matt Hollands it was a bit of dull and seemed it lack information because there were so many empty spaces. While I will be creating my website I  will be focusing on Karen Arnott's style, she will be my inspiration.