Sunday, October 7, 2018

M O V E M E N T (my own sequential photography and research)

Eadweard Muybridge
Source: Image

At first it was kind of hard to come up with an idea for my next sequential images, so I began researching on different sequential images done by famous photographers to get some help with brainstorming. While I was doing my research I came across an English photographer named Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904). He begun his study of sequential motion when he was assigned to take photographs of a moving horse. After that first encounter with the study of motion he continued to take more photographs of the other movements.

Eadweard Muybridge's first sequential motion piece: Study of the Horse
Source: Study of the Horse
Out all of his sequential photography, the one that caught my attention was the 'Woman Dancing (Fancy)' piece. I liked the flow of the figure and how in each photograph it showed the steps to the lady's dance. It is quite an elegant and graceful piece and it portrays to me a sense of calmness and ease.

Source: Woman Dancing

This photography inspired me to make one of my own dance motion sequential images. I decided to be my own model for the piece. I used my iPhone 7 as a camera and put it on a time and live setting to take the picture of me while I dancing. I had to put my music on and moved around while my phone took a live picture of me or else I would not be giving a feel of calmness and ease like the Woman Dancing piece. I had to be basically in my zone.
Then later went and chose one of the live photos from my photo gallery and pressed on the edit button. In the edit section, I had a bunch of images that  I got to choose from that made up my live photo. From those images, I chose the movements that I found interesting and gave me a proper progression of motion. 

Later on, I cropped and straightened out those images and used filter on them named 'Vivid Cool' with my phone's editing tool. Afterwards, I used an app called 'Aviary' so that I could arrange the images in order sequence. 

The reason to why I chose that filter was to give a sense of calm vibes to the viewers. The tones in that filter express a sense of peaceful feels and that is what I was trying elaborate with my sequence piece.
The Draft
It was fun creating this piece since it was quite relaxing. Although I need someone to take pictures of me next time since I had I could not continuously dance, I had to stop press the camera timer a couple of times to get the perfect motion. Also, I would need a fast shutter effect of a camera to take these movement photos.

1 comment:

  1. Hah, that's quite funny and positive post! It made me smile) However, I would tell more about Eadweard Muybridge, if I were you
